09/01/24, 09:30am
09/01/24, 10:30am
09/01/24, 06:00pm
09/04/24, 06:30pm
Bible classes for all ages
09/08/24, 09:30am
09/08/24, 10:30am
09/08/24, 10:30am
This section opens and closes with our Lord’s loving admonition, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1, 27). We are not surprised that the Apostles were troubled. After all, Jesus had announced that one of them was a traitor, and then He warned Peter that he would deny his Lord three times. Self-confident Peter was confident that he could follow his Lord and even die with Him and for Him. Alas, Peter did not know his own heart, nor do we really know our hearts, except for one thing: our hearts easily become troubled.
09/08/24, 06:00pm
09/11/24, 06:30pm
Bible classes for all ages
09/15/24, 09:30am
09/15/24, 10:30am
09/15/24, 10:30am
One thought rising before the mind of Jesus now deepens His earnestness of entreaty on behalf of His disciples,—the contrast between their condition and His own. His labours and sorrows are over, but they are left behind in the struggle which He is leaving. The very greatness of His joy in the thought of His own glorious return to His Father rouses His tenderest sympathy for those who have so much to do and to suffer before they can share His joy
09/15/24, 06:00pm
09/18/24, 06:30pm
Bible classes for all ages
09/22/24, 09:30am
09/22/24, 10:30am
09/22/24, 10:30am
09/22/24, 06:00pm
09/25/24, 06:30pm
Bible classes for all ages
09/29/24, 09:30am
09/29/24, 10:30am
09/29/24, 06:00pm