Available Study Materials

Available Study Materials

Various Study Topics:
 Babes In Christ Mark Your Bibles!Bible Women 
 Christian HomeBible - Standard of AuthorityChildren's Spiritual Training
 The Christian & DrinkingChristian ObligationsChurch Discipline
 Deacon QualificationsHead Covering (R. Lewis)Marriage Relationship
 Modest ClothingMoral PrincipalsPromises of God
 God is GoodPortraits of DiscipleshipAuthority in Religion
 What is Prayer?An Example of PrayerPublic Prayer How to Pray for Others
Holy spirit:
 Person of the SpiritSpirit in the OTSpirit in the NTSpirit and the WordSpirit in Conversion
God's Purpose for the Church:
 Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4
 Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Lesson 8
 Answers 1Answers 2Answers 3Answers 4
 Answers 5Answers 6Answers 7 




A Christian's Attitude Towards........
 Proper AttitudeSinTemptationSatan
 The WorldSelfThe FleshTime
 Secular WorkMoneyRecreationGovernment
 Capital PunishmentSectsTraditionOld Testament
 False TeachingFalse TeachersThose DeceivedTrials
 MurmuringLyingHypocricyPersonal Offences
 RevengeRespect of Persons  
Bible Book Study Guides:
 ActsRomansI CorinthiansII Corinthians
 I ThessaloniansII ThessaloniansI TimothyII Timothy
 I PeterII PeterI JohnII John
 III JohnJudeRevelationProverbs
 Pondering ProverbsHosea  
Men's Training Material:
 PrayerLord's SupperTeach Other's AlsoLaying by in Store
 SingingPreaching part 1Preaching part 2Personal Work
 EldersPublic Speaking  



Evangelism - Materrial for those seeking or new in Christ
 The Gospel Message
 The Gospel Message - Spanish
 Bible Survey
 What Shall I Believe





Ed's Resource Material:

SOAP Bible Study GuideNote-Takers Guide
Bible Study and Prayer Journal GuideSermon Notes
Apologetics 101Bible Atlas
New Testament Maps - All of Paul's JourneysNew Testament Maps -Cities Visited by Paul
New Testament Maps -Early Travels of Jesus' FamilyNew Testament Maps -First Century Roman Provinces of the Mediterranean
New Testament Maps -Galilee During Jesus' MinistryNew Testament Maps -Herod the Great's Kingdom
New Testament Maps -Holy Land at the Time of ChristNew Testament Maps -Holy Land in Modern Times
New Testament Maps -Jerusalem During Jesus' MinistryNew Testament Maps -Map of Jesus' Ministry in Israel
New Testament Maps -Modern Mediterranean Geography with Ancient Regions and Cities Overlaid with ColorsNew Testament Maps -Modern Mediterranean Geography with Ancient Regions and Cities Overlaid
New Testament Maps -Modern Mediterranean GeographyNew Testament Maps -Paul's First Missionary Journey
New Testament Maps -Paul's Journey to RomeNew Testament Maps -Paul's Second Missionary Journey
New Testament Maps -Paul's Third Missionary JourneyNew Testament Maps -Roman Territories During Christ's Ministry
New Testament Maps -Seven Churches of Revelation 

